All files options.ts

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 * Sometimes you don't allow every type to be partially parsed.
 * For example, you may not want a partial number because it may increase its size gradually before it's complete.
 * In this case, you can use the `Allow` object to control what types you allow to be partially parsed.
 * @module
 * Allow partial strings like `"hello \u12` to be parsed as `"hello "`
export const STR = 0b000000001; // 1
 * Allow partial numbers like `123.` to be parsed as `123`
export const NUM = 0b000000010; // 2
 * Allow partial arrays like `[1, 2,` to be parsed as `[1, 2]`
export const ARR = 0b000000100; // 4
 * Allow partial objects like `{"a": 1, "b":` to be parsed as `{"a": 1}`
export const OBJ = 0b000001000; // 8
 * Allow `nu` to be parsed as `null`
export const NULL = 0b000010000; // 16
 * Allow `tr` to be parsed as `true`, and `fa` to be parsed as `false`
export const BOOL = 0b000100000; // 32
 * Allow `Na` to be parsed as `NaN`
export const NAN = 0b001000000; // 64
 * Allow `Inf` to be parsed as `Infinity`
export const INFINITY = 0b010000000; // 128
 * Allow `-Inf` to be parsed as `-Infinity`
export const _INFINITY = 0b100000000; // 256
 * Allow partial parsing of the outermost JSON object
export const OUTERMOST_OBJ = 0b0000000100000000; // 512
 * Allow partial parsing of the outermost JSON array
export const OUTERMOST_ARR = 0b0000001000000000; // 1024
export const INF = INFINITY | _INFINITY; // 384
export const SPECIAL = NULL | BOOL | INF | NAN; // 432
export const ATOM = STR | NUM | SPECIAL; // 499
export const COLLECTION = ARR | OBJ; // 12
export const ALL = ATOM | COLLECTION; // 511
 * Control what types you allow to be partially parsed.
 * The default is to allow all types to be partially parsed, which in most cases is the best option.
 * @example
 * If you don't want to allow partial objects, you can use the following code:
 * ```ts
 * import { Allow, parse } from "partial-json";
 * parse(`[{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 3,`, Allow.ARR); // [ { a: 1, b: 2 } ]
 * ```
 * Or you can use `~` to disallow a type:
 * ```ts
 * parse(`[{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 3,`, ~Allow.OBJ); // [ { a: 1, b: 2 } ]
 * ```
 * @example
 * If you don't want to allow partial strings, you can use the following code:
 * ```ts
 * import { Allow, parse } from "partial-json";
 * parse(`["complete string", "incompl`, ~Allow.STR); // [ 'complete string' ]
 * ```
export const Allow = {
export default Allow;